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Partners in Story

CODE salon / July 29, 2019

As humans, we all matter.

This is a mantra at CODE salon and a belief that unites us with the visionary folks who run the Frameline film festival, the largest, longest-running, and most renown LGBTQ+ film exhibition on the planet. Founded in 1977, Frameline makes space in the cinema-viewing world for stories that explore the complexity and diversity of queer lives. CODE couldn't be more down with this mission or more proud to support storytelling that breaks new ground year after year.

CODE and Frameline collaborate with one another to get LGBTQ+ stories seen and heard. It’s something we’ve been doing since 2013. “We love the way the film exhibition is curated,” says CODE founder Cheryl Snodgrass, “the movies screened are full of texture, just like all of our lives. They explore history, address real-life challenges, and celebrate stories of overcoming by courageously becoming the people we really are.”

2019—CODE founder Cheryl Snodgrass joins Frameline’s Board President, Nadir Joshua, and Frances Wallace (former Executive Director), at the Frameline43 BLOWOUT party held at CODE’s SF salon. Image thanks to Felicia Kieselhorst for Barak Shrama Photography.

The Frameline-CODE partnership makes sense to Frameline’s executive director, Frances Wallace, who believes “Frameline and CODE share a passion for openness and inclusion for all; taking everyone as they come and being open to new forms of creativity and expression. I know CODE embraces diversity and inclusiveness, on their staff, leadership and the way they do business, in that way both organizations are very similarly mission-driven!”

Because Frameline and CODE are so in sync, Frances knew who to call when a new film about the ever subversive fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier was added to the Frameline43 festival line up. “CODE’s sponsorship of Frameline’s documentary selection JEAN PAUL GAULTIER: FREAK & CHIC presented a perfect opportunity for a fabulous collaboration on the work of one of fashion’s creative’s icons. I have to say that CODE is always one of the most engaged partners, they always go to great lengths to really work the partnership, and cross promote both their engagement with Frameline & the sponsored film—it was quite the night!!”

We couldn’t agree more! The CODE crew attended a sold-out screening of JEAN PAUL GAULTIER: FREAK & CHIC at the Victoria Theatre in San Francisco on June 29th. More than 70 people from the CODE community joined in the fun including our amazing guests and creative collaborators (San Francisco Institute of Esthetics and Cosmetology, Muse Beauty, and ArtHaus).

Together, we watched French filmmaker Yann L’Hénoret’s behind-the-scenes look at the making of Fashion Freak Show, a theater event that chronicles Gaultier’s extraordinary life and work. We felt energized by seeing this legendary designer create with so much joy and so little attitude.

Many of us at CODE could relate to the isolating youth Gaultier had to survive before experiencing in adulthood the kind of love and acceptance that would unleash the creative brilliance he was carrying inside. We felt lucky to be with our tribe at the screening to celebrate a rebel who broke the rules in fashion and learned to live fearlessly.

Photo credit: Felicia Kieselhorst for Barak Shrama Photography

Frameline and CODE teamed up a second time during Frameline43 to host the Frameline Festival BLOW OUT party, an event CODE and Frameline have partnered for the last 6 years. More than 400 guests from around the globe got a taste of style in SF. According to Frances, “CODE is the perfect venue for the event—the beautiful energy, and open, stylish architecture of the space makes for a phenomenal event, complete with a vibrant dance floor—the multi-use of the salon (which was genius to build in from the start), really adds to the whole Festival event experience.”

At CODE, we are honored to play a part in an international film exhibition that has a big impact on how queer lives are represented and understood. “We believe that stories have the power to change the world,” says Cheryl, “and by watching and sharing LGBTQ+ films we build on the progress society has made.”

This is why we partner with Frameline—to honor LGBTQ+ filmmakers and the vital stories they tell. They are superstars in our world and we are thankful for all Frameline does to ensure these artists have the support they need to story on.

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